Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Best Days of our Lives Haven't Happened Yet

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It's been so long since I've written but it's been such a difficult year. I wouldn't wish a divorce on the worst person I know- there is almost nothing worse a person could go through. I don't know how much i'll talk about it but there are a thousand postivite quotes I've turned to over the last year and one of my favorites is "what a wonderful thought that some of the best days of your life haven't happened yet".

So I might bring it up here and there but to be honest it's all been far more awful than anyone needs to know. Disappointing things have happened this year but some really great things have happened too. I did find that I have a few phenomenal family members and friends who are truly there for me and are the definition of genuine and good people. I am nothing if not incredibly blessed.

I realized that I can get stuck focusing on "right now" and not the bigger picture I can totally fixate on the issues in my life that are happening today instead of considering where I want to be this time next year...or where I could be in 5 years...10 years! I've got a new outlook and a new approach on how to live life as a single mom. It is not easy but we're a great team and we're doing our best and we're gonna kill it!

I made of list of 15 things I want to start working towards this year- even if they're not accomplished I want to start making strides...to be successful you just have to be better than you were a year ago and even though this year has been so hard I can say with absolute certainty that I am a better person and my life is better today than it was a year ago today.

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So I'm going to change my blog a little and make it a little more personal, I'm going to share what's it's like really like to be a parent of a 6 year old, what's it's like to date in what my friend unfortunately refers to as "THE BEARD ERA" and continue to share my adventures!


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