Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a perfect Christmas day and a magical Christmas season (i.e. November 1st thru January 1st) mine has been truly magnificent and full of surprises. Unfortunately there were a number of things we usually do each year that we had to cancel including Christmas photos, Frankenmouth, Bronner's, Ice Skating...we didn't even get to make a Gingerbread House....(I know, I know...I've really got a rough life). Two weeks ago I became so sick that I was all but glued to my couch for 6 days. On the 7th day my husband had reconstructive knee surgery. Caring for him and our 3 year old daughter at Christmastime and being sick has proved to be one of the busiest times in my life. Each night I had a long list of things to do after putting my daughter to bed...and each night I crashed long before I even had a chance to look at it. Nonetheless, even though I didn't get a chance to finish my Christmas preparations and gifts we had a great day and in particular I must have been very good because I received the best gifts ever! This is a purely gratuitous post of some of my favorite 'pressies' (as my British friend says) that I was spoiled with this year.

-I will NEVER have enough fleece blankets. I'm freezing ALL the time.

-I will never find a scarf I like as much as this one.

-Couldn't describe me better.

-Now, my absolute favorite piece of clothing that I own...or have ever seen.

-My brother knows me well, a yard of chocolate...I find oversized novelty chocolates hilarious.

-A new fleece Made in Detroit hoodie.
-A little gift from me...Santa Fruits or as I prefer to call them 'frukovi deyd moroz' in Russian.


-Oh wait...there's more, this is from the town I grew up in.
A tiny ceramic Starbucks cup...what will they think of next?-It's ADORABLE!
My Aunt had these unique ornaments made for all of us-they are so beautiful.
This is a heaven sent for me to use durning the near death migraines I get.
I literally could get nothing but Christmas decorations for every life event and be sublimely pleased. Literally.
A fun bracelet from my mom.
A fun necklace from my husband.
Here's an easy question...What do I love more than starbucks gift cards? HOLIDAY THEMED GIFT CARDS!
Tell me what was your favorite gift you received (or gave) this year?
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