Thursday, September 26, 2013

Braces: is it over already?

Life has been insanely busy this year but things are returning to normal and most of my big 'happenings' for the year are over including the 4 events I did, having a garage sale, dancing in a Hula Show and trips to Chicago, St Louis, Kansas City, Savannah and Disney World were things I was anxious about and now they're simply documented in pictures. I still have my daughters birthday in a few weeks and there is a possibility of one more little trip this year (honey-don't get mad- we'll talk about it later) Oh yea...and there is one more little life changing event that will be happening in October...

I couldn't believe it last week when my orthodontist told me that he would like to take them off in one month...actually October 17th (which is also my mom's birthday). Part of me is pretty skeptical because there is still that one tooth that that is still not yet straight, but nevertheless it will be soon. I just cannot believe it. I cannot believe that it's almost over! This time last year they were so new to me and as the orthodontist said 'they'll look worse before they look better' and he wasn't kidding. Not to mention I had that heinous coil across the front of my teeth. The journey was just certainly hasn't been an effortless process and it certainly isn't inexpensive but I cannot explain how invaluable this LIFE LIST item of mine has been even though I fought every step along the way.  I had toyed with this idea for nearly 12 years before actually just deciding to bite the bullet and I think having my blog is what gave me that extra push I needed. I can't very well encourage others to go after their dreams and desires if I'm not. I am so happy and more than that I am so proud of myself for actually going through with it-after having adult braces is rather humbling.

I can't wait to see the results. I'm getting my hair done and trying to lose 10 more pounds before the big reveal. But of course I am a little nervous about a few things...the process of taking them off is like the opposite of getting a relaxing massage-there's a lot of tools that make really loud noises involved. Also I'm a little nervous about having some stains on my teeth (my orthodontist assures me he does't foresee that....but you never know) having braces has been a MAJOR stress in my life over the past 14 months but more than worth it!


  1. Yay!! Fantastic news:-) That's great that you will be able to get them off and that you will have been able to achieve such a monumental and important life list goal. I think that's one of the things i love about life listing, the fact that those long held dreams become a reality instead of the things we just hope for one day. Well done on your massive achievement.

    You have had such a busy year and some fabulous trips! I love the comment about the possible extra trip, i am always doing that to Ste!!

    Look forward to hearing more about your adventures:-)xx

    1. I totally agree!! How cool to be actually be done with something I've wanted my whole life! I probably wouldn't have had the guts had it not been for my blog! A massive acheivement- it really is! thank you!


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