Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Weigh in Wednesdays

 Last weigh in---187
 Total                  77 lbs lost in 15 months

I'm trying something new that I'm going to write more about starting next week. I feel really good. Today a friend told me that I 'looked thin''s been a long time since someone has said that to me! I know, since when is 184 lbs 'thin' well....comparatively it is! I cannot believe I am almost near the 170's I am very anxious to hit those digits!!!!


  1. I have also thought about doing something very similar, but even taking it a step further. I was going to take a pictures of myself in bikini and then post them publicly. The only way I would be allowed to take them down is if I met my goal by March...I have not done this yet, but it might be the motivation I need.

  2. Danielle- first of all you don't look like you need to lose ANY weight!!! I did take pics of myself in my underroos HOWEVER I do NOT plan on posting them until I reach my goal weight, now would be way too embarrassing!!! Thanks for becoming a follower!!!!


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