Friday, September 9, 2011


Money Mondays- Nearly everything in my Life List revolves around money in one way or another, so I will discuss how I am working on accomplishing these items. It is a journey, much to my chagrin I cannot look at my list and say ‘ok I’m going to raise my FICO score today to 800’ I wish I could but that’s not how it works and I thought it would be silly to spend the next year or two working on certain items and not be writing about them. I hope you will follow me on my financial journey, I can teach you things- I am open to any advice anyone has to offer, the best way to learn is from each other, we just need to communicate- and THAT’S FREE!  If you struggle with financial issues, or want to buy a home, or wish you had more money to travel or keep putting of setting up your savings account-I think this will be a great resource for you, luckily for you I have dealt with just about every cash problem out there and I have been working hard to turn it around and fix all the problems and become someone a lender is dying to give money to, I want to be able to afford all the things I want in life, I want to give my children everything in the world and I want to be secure in my old age. I think these are things that everyone has on their life lists, and if not, then they probably should be. 

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